An oldie but, all the forces are still intact.

Labels: Conservatives and sedition


The Conservatives score with Harper.

This post is courtesy of IPolitic  

I’m aware of Trudeau’s failings, but he’s a piker compared to the nightmare that was Harper. There’s way, way, too much to list from those awful years. Here’s a small sampling: (very small)

~ Against court order, refusal to share budget Info.
~ Conservative Cabinet Staffers Granted Immunity from Testimony
~ Conservatives Falsify Reports and Documents
~ Repeated Duplicity on Costing of F-35 Fighter Jets
~ Harper Minister Lies, Blames Statistics Canada for Killing Long Form Census
~ Conservatives Engage in Abuse of Process with Omnibus Bills on a scale never before seen.
~ Conservatives Engage in Abuse of Process with parliamentary committees. Top Conservatives prepared a handbook instructing Conservative committee chairpersons on how to obstruct and sabotage proceedings.
~ Access to Information System Impeded
~ Loyalty Oaths Imposed on Public Servants
~ Suppression of Research
~ Like Never Before, Limits Placed on Media Access
~ Conservatives Block Accreditation for Opposition MPs
~ Clampdown on Freedom of Speech of Diplomatic Corps
~ Aquatic Science Libraries are Decimated for no reason other than to destroy valuable environmental information.
~ Illegitimate Prorogation of Parliament, Twice
~ Undue Interference with Independent Agencies
~ Billions Borrowed without Parliament’s Permission
~ Lapdogs Appointed as Watchdogs
~ Undermining Statistics Canada, Killing Data
~ Government Muzzles Science Community
~ Cons’ Elections Bill Strips Power from Elections Canada
~ Harper Minister Smears Head of Elections Canada
~ Conservative Convicted on Robocalls Scam
~ Harper undercuts EC and tries to suppress vote with unfair elections act.

~ Conservative Bill Rewrites History to Protect Mounties from Potential Criminal Charges~ Harper Government Sued by Justice Department Whistleblower~ Time and again the Harper government proposed bills that ended up being shot down by the courts, prompting critics to say such legislation was more about making political statements than lasting policy.~ Tactic Borrowed from North Korea.

Ostensibly neutral public servants were used as stooges, falsely posing as new citizens in a staged Citizenship Renewal public relations exercise by the Immigration Department~ UN Blasted Canada’s Treatment of Immigrants. Changes made to Canada’s immigration and refugee system under Harper were investigated by the United Nations Human Rights Committee, whose report blasted how thousands of migrants were detained indefinitely without due process, many for over a year or more, as well as poor mental health support for those incarcerated.~ The ‘Harper Government’ Labelling Deception. Public servants were told to use “Harper Government” instead of “Government of Canada” in publicity releases. The Conservatives denied it was happening — until internal memos revealed by the Canadian Press revealed the denial to be without basis.~ Conservatives Place Party Logos on Government of Canada Cheques~ Record Amounts of Partisan Political Advertising, on the Public Purse~ Conservatives Stack Their Own Ridings with Infrastructure Funds~ Revenue Canada set loose to Attack Charities that weren’t ideologically in line with Harper’s beliefs, including environmental, animal welfare, etc…~ Conservatives Use Unheard of Tactic to Force through Anti-Union Bill~ Harper Smears Liberal Sikh MP, Insinuating Tie to Terrorism. He was completely wrong yet wouldn’t apologize.~ Citizens Ejected from Conservative Rallies simply because they weren’t screened and vetted beforehand as being Conservative party members. If they were spotted, they were gone. Unbelievably, during election campaigns.~ Conservatives Make Campaign Event Attendees Sign Gag Order

Our inflation is at 3.5%, not the 7.5% published,

I put up a post on #Linked-In stating Alberta was paying oil to take the oil from our province.

Shell oil responded by giving Alberta 75 million dollars! Kenny, the Conservative shark in Alberta took the 75 million and turned it over to local producers to use as operating money.

The oil/gasoline portion of the 7.5% is 4.00% leaving our actual inflation at 3.5% not, 7.5%

Kenny has since resigned.

This was a product of years of Conservative Governments in Alberta! I recall #Ron Liepert telling Albertans “as of today, we will not be collecting any royalty at all” The higher percentage is an invention of the Conservatives. In fact it is a market price correction that won’t be going away.

If you are inclined to vote Conservative, know what they are about.

Canadian Business

This is a critical time for Canadian Business!  You have centered your pollical thinking on which party promises the best plan for growth coupled with which party will give you the best tax deal.

All these ideals have merit but you look over the fact the Conservatives have kept Canadians on the string as haulers of water and hewers of wood for all of your lifetime!

If you finance them again you will be on track to repeat our past! It is no accident Scheer’s cure for everything is “give them what they want” when dealing with the US.

Soon enough we will be facing bulk water export to the US.  Targeted is the Mighty Peace River.  There is a fully engineered plan called “the Weaterford Project” after the engineering company.   This is to move 2/3rds of the flow of the Peace River to Southern Alberta and the US!  This is what the BC dam is all about; a sump to draw the water from.  At 1100 MW it cannot pay for it’s self.

If the Conservatives build this, Canadians will pay for the pipeline and the US will get really cheap water.  Our overhead will go up and theirs, down.

The point is, there is no saving for you voting Conservative.  You have lost access to the world trade, we are now rebuilding after the Harper-Kenny fiasco.  Your opportunities for business will shrink.

Harper brought in Bell Media to control our IP and printed news.  They used this to curtail any negative comment in the east about the Conservatives and, this may well result in the eastern Conservatives seats being set aside until a fresh, open vote can be taken.

How Canadian and American politic is intertwined.

Here is a detailed youtube link that is nothing short of excellent.

The Mitt Romney mentioned at one point in it is financed by Millions of dollars donated from the LDS (Mormon) church.  Hence, the connection to the LDS to the Conservative/Republican movement in Canada.

This video details the policies of the US Republican policies and thrust that is so apparent in Watching Ford and the Quebec Conservative Governments.

Although it is about the US specifically you will see clearly in it the Conservative policy as pushed by the LDS church.

This site has over 6000 watches.  It is a discussion on her book

“Democracy in Chains” also on the best sellers list.